Saturday, 3 December 2016

It has been a long time.........................
I have been totally absorbed wit my mother's illness, my job teaching at a school and earning to keep my household running with many other commitments too.

It has been quite challenging these past few months but i know that i will get through all this as i believe and i want to complete my education and my commitment is fiery and clear.

I have been reflecting on my titles for my areas of learning and after having a discussion with my dear friend and discussing the areas it was so interesting to come to realize it all stems from my needs which is a need base learning and then along desires meaning a desire based learning.
This helped me to identify larger areas like personal, professional, political, communal and learning through teaching as my main areas and present learning which is how to institutionalize.
I have started to get connected again look forward to my skype tomorrow....



  1. Hi Nighat,
    I truly understand what it feels like when you have to dedicate your time to look after your mother at this situation. I believe, everything God ever asks you to do,even if it is difficult beacause He has something great in mind for you. So do not despair..He always provides a way for us to overcome.Good luck. parimala.

  2. Dear parimala
    thank you so much for your kind words and sensitive understanding...
    this means alot to me....
