Completing the MAPP 1st module wow was the first feeling, it's done never thought i would get through it! had so many doubts, will i be able to write ? does my writing make sense. have i understood the module.... I hope it reads right and makes sense.... imagine all this going through my head....well the feedback form came and to my surprise the comments actually surprised me in certain areas the fact that my writing did make sense and was used well. Phew! felt a relief that it actually turned out to be a well written overview and reflection on my prior learning and along with the experience of module 1 as written in the feedback to students...
So many things happened during this module a tremendous amount of growth and interesting research approach methods that were totally new to me... i never truly realized the importance of researching and reflecting deep at a wider context of my experience. This opened my mind to the world view point and an analytical approach to life and all my experiences be them emotional, mental, work related, relationships, business, my teaching, my performance.
I have definitely changed as a person after completing the 1st module i was standing behind a wall of self created fear that it's impossible.
Reading the comments gave me a look into me and how i was seeing and delivering, what i was understanding and seeing and what i had missed out on what needs improvement, what needs more attention, where do i lack an area of application.
I am really deeply happy that i got this opportunity to finally cross over to the barrier of low self esteem in the educational aspect of my dance or work experience and see the importance as the experience being the education.... This has brought so much more confidence to move on and forward.
I know that at times blogging was hard for me and difficult or new yet it really always helped me with a true voicing and getting me to arrange my thoughts and reflections around the course and tasks.
The feedback form has really put a lot of things into perspective for me and given me guidelines on areas that need my attention and that these are not classroom tasks but spaces where they become part of the process in helping to go back and reflect and refer back to... to have notes that become part of the writing used along the course.
I feel i have somehow been a little too technical in my understanding of the handbook and at times became too clinical in the literature application. I have become aware of the need to move beyond this and only going through the process has shed light on it...
I feel i need to be more involved in all the monthly discussions as they really help in connecting to other participants and open up on different angles of anything being discussed. its was most encouraging aspect as well.
Since the submitting of my 1st module i have found that i have changed a lot as if i am thinking differently analyzing more, observing more, and more critical about my work with a positive perspective...
I tend to apply myself more and look at my dance and teaching with more depth, and make notes regularly too to organize my thoughts around what's happening in class. I look at everything with a lot more observation and involvement....
I feel that the comments on my feedback have also got me thinking and planning for the next module.. I have been structoring my schedule ahead.
I really look forward to the 2nd module and going deeper into the course.
So many things happened during this module a tremendous amount of growth and interesting research approach methods that were totally new to me... i never truly realized the importance of researching and reflecting deep at a wider context of my experience. This opened my mind to the world view point and an analytical approach to life and all my experiences be them emotional, mental, work related, relationships, business, my teaching, my performance.
I have definitely changed as a person after completing the 1st module i was standing behind a wall of self created fear that it's impossible.
Reading the comments gave me a look into me and how i was seeing and delivering, what i was understanding and seeing and what i had missed out on what needs improvement, what needs more attention, where do i lack an area of application.
I am really deeply happy that i got this opportunity to finally cross over to the barrier of low self esteem in the educational aspect of my dance or work experience and see the importance as the experience being the education.... This has brought so much more confidence to move on and forward.
I know that at times blogging was hard for me and difficult or new yet it really always helped me with a true voicing and getting me to arrange my thoughts and reflections around the course and tasks.
The feedback form has really put a lot of things into perspective for me and given me guidelines on areas that need my attention and that these are not classroom tasks but spaces where they become part of the process in helping to go back and reflect and refer back to... to have notes that become part of the writing used along the course.
I feel i have somehow been a little too technical in my understanding of the handbook and at times became too clinical in the literature application. I have become aware of the need to move beyond this and only going through the process has shed light on it...
I feel i need to be more involved in all the monthly discussions as they really help in connecting to other participants and open up on different angles of anything being discussed. its was most encouraging aspect as well.
Since the submitting of my 1st module i have found that i have changed a lot as if i am thinking differently analyzing more, observing more, and more critical about my work with a positive perspective...
I tend to apply myself more and look at my dance and teaching with more depth, and make notes regularly too to organize my thoughts around what's happening in class. I look at everything with a lot more observation and involvement....
I feel that the comments on my feedback have also got me thinking and planning for the next module.. I have been structoring my schedule ahead.
I really look forward to the 2nd module and going deeper into the course.
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