Monday, 11 March 2019

My thoughts on Positivist and Non- positivist approaches

Reading through my handbook of module 2 over and over 

It is overwhelming  doing a dance inquiry  so many elements need to be understood as in what methodologies need to be applied, the code of ethics around acquiring the data etc. I have started to get my head into the concepts such as action based, case study, ethnography, ethnomethodology, grounded and narrative Inquiry and what would be the most suitable making notes and reading the core text Bell, J A guide for the first time researcher.
I am sure many of us are still going through the process of deeper understanding and defining our research titles and content for our chosen subjects. I wonder how are you all doing?? it would be nice to know?

I made notes on how i perceive a positivist and non- positivist and attempt to put my thoughts here as  to come back to...
 I reflected on the fact that even though it is made clear that just having one approach is not whether it is right or wrong but a different perspective on how we all see reality and what is truth for us collectively or individually.
Reading on the approach  of different theories that certain philosophers had from Aristotle to Karl Marx opened me into a larger understanding.
The mind being dominant for some and for others the body.

The understanding of  a positivist approach everything is certain and fixed whether we are there or not while the non-positivist approach  brings to light that there are a number of elements, we are involved in the change and impact as we are in the experience.

I turn in to look at what is my stance on I feel that we surf in between both polarities at times and are never totally fully immersed in one. this brings to my mind the yin yang symbol the yin within the yang and the yang within the yang.

 I feel we may start out with a fixed parameter as we are born into a family, a certain tradition, a lifestyle. We are taught certain habits and conform to ritual and demands within  our society in different cultures, but it eventually changes as we start to grow and discover ourselves. We develop along to what ever we feel, we start acting and responding outside of the fixed reality, slowly shifting  we  start to change the impact shifts while we are in the the realm of experience. We may be confronted with positivist stances, but eventually new ideas, new experiences and different outcomes change the scenario.
In my teaching dance, or performing, I can see how things have come about due to my presence in the whole scenario. What my mind, my body, my environment has impacted me or made me think, or feel establishes the fact that all experience is intertwined.Since dance is feeling based as well and comes through experiencing my body there have been elements of religion and cultural norms that have affected and influenced the way i move, or the themes I chose to dance or work with.
I still reflect and dig deeper into the dualist mind where the the body is controlled by the mind with all the labels around it are not to feel, not be happy, to be sensuous, the body a tool for sin, in the religious context of history. I recognize the same elements in a Pakistani Muslim society where religion dictates the ways of the body and keeps the whole of society stuck in the mind, controlling it by continuous conditioned rhetoric.

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