This is responding to our group skype on sunday the 30th of sept. It was so inspiring to be amongst all students in different modules. I found we made connections within our unique experiences of learning and knowing spaces. The conversation roamed around frameworks and being able to permeate them, arriving in an ocean that is vast and evolving our learning further. The quest at times is to keep the awareness active to avoid getting caught up in a limited space devoid of exploration.
I look at my journey from module 1 where i was confronted with all the different viewpoints and perceptions against my fixed knowing that it was challenging to break out, but persistence paved a more nonlinear approach to module 2.

As a group similar experiences resonated in the context of learning and knowing sharing space on skype brought so much connectivity between us all. The sense of being alone on this journey and being stuck at times diminished as i recognised the MAPP course as the ocean and all us as baby rock's growing through each module.
I am so grateful to be able to truly now look back and see how the MAPP modules have been a journey of Integration, Dis-Integration and Re-Integration.
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