Monday, 7 October 2019

Research terms MAPP module 3

Image result for qualitative researchResponding to our skype discussion with the MAPP module 3 group on October 2nd. The conversation revolved around research terms and methods. There was a clear understanding that we were all doing qualitative research which then took us to data collection and its management, other areas such as questionnaires became an important topic to cover and with everyones individual input all the different aspects were covered which proved quite beneficial to all of us. Emerging patterns were discussed and the concept of coding and how coding was vital to implement as it would be utter chaos to align different elements of data collected, which got me buzzing around yes how overwhelming would that be with having so much data and no system to organise!!!

Helen's explanation of analysis  as something that is a detailed examination of a subject or topic in simple terms lead us into a term of triangulation another process in the research path.
Triangulation of data is where different components of the data come in from other people through  interviews, ones own experiences, questionnaires, all the engagement with published material meaning the literature.
Image result for triangulation in qualitative research                                                     
All these multiple perspectives come into one space from different sources to be examined. The idea is that just having your own perspective would be bias, so all these elements when brought together establish emerging themes or patterns allowing for a deeper and broader understanding of the research topic, reviewing the data in relationship to each other reveals connections between all the material and the information coming through.
In examining layers are peeled away as helen explained and we look beyond surface level.



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